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Avito test runner#

This is the Gradle plugin to run Android instrumentation tests.

It can do the following:

  • Filter tests by annotations, by packages, by previous runs.
  • Run tests in parallel. It orchestrates emulators in Kubernetes or uses local emulators.
  • Rerun failed tests to deal with flakiness
  • Save tests result in a report.
    It uses an internal TMS (test management system). We are working on support other formats.

Getting started#

  1. Apply the instrumentation-tests Gradle plugin:

Add to your build.gradle.kts

plugins {

Add to your build.gradle

plugins {
  1. Add common plugin configuration
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.LocalEmulator

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    testReport {

        // optional avito reporting
        reportViewer {
            reportApiUrl = "http://stub"
            reportViewerUrl = "http://stub"
            fileStorageUrl = "http://stub"

    configurationsContainer.register("local") {

        targetsContainer.register("api28") {
            deviceName = "API28"

            scheduling = SchedulingConfiguration().apply {
                quota = QuotaConfiguration().apply {
                    retryCount = 1
                    minimumSuccessCount = 1

                reservation = TestsBasedDevicesReservationConfiguration().apply {
                    device = LocalEmulator.device(28, "Android_SDK_built_for_x86_64")
                    maximum = 1
                    minimum = 1
                    testsPerEmulator = 1
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.LocalEmulator

instrumentation {

    testReport {

        // optional avito reporting
        reportViewer {
            reportApiUrl = "http://stub"
            reportViewerUrl = "http://stub"
            fileStorageUrl = "http://stub"
    configurations {
        local {
            targets {
                api28 {
                    deviceName = "API28"
                    scheduling {
                        quota {
                            retryCount = 1
                            minimumSuccessCount = 1

                        testsCountBasedReservation {
                            device = new LocalEmulator("28", 28, "Android_SDK_built_for_x86_64")
                            maximum = 1
                            testsPerEmulator = 1
  1. Run tests via Gradle task
./gradlew :<projectPath>:instrumentation<ConfigurationName>         

In our case:

./gradlew :<projectPath>:instrumentationLocal 


Check out a configuration to run in GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration in the test app

Filtering tests for execution#

  1. You must apply a plugin
  2. Create filter
extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        // it is internal for Avito. It uses run history from our test-report system.
        fromRunHistory.excludePreviousStatuses(statuses)"reportId") { reportStatuses ->
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.LocalEmulator

instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            // it is internal for Avito. It uses run history from our test-report system.
  "reportId") { reportStatuses ->
  1. Add filter to configuration
extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    configurationsContainer.register("local") {
        filter = "filterName"
        // else...   
instrumentation {
    configurations {
        local {
            filter = filterName
            // else...       

Filter tests by annotations#

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        val yourFullyQualifiedAnnotationName = "package.AnnotationClassName"
        val annotations = setOf(youFullyQualifiedAnnotationName)
        // will include only tests with at least one annotation
        // will exclude all tests with at least one annotation
instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            def yourFullyQualifiedAnnotationName = "package.AnnotationClassName"
            def annotations = [youFullyQualifiedAnnotationName] as Set
            // will include only tests with at least one annotation
            // will exclude all tests with at least one annotation

Filter flaky tests#

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        fromSource.excludeFlaky = true
instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            fromSource.excludeFlaky = true       

Filter tests by prefix or name#

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        val packageTestFilter = "testPackage"
        val classTestFilter = "testPackage.testClass"
        val fullyQualifiedTestFilter = "testPackage.testClass.testMetod"
        val prefixes = setOf(packageTestFilter, classTestFilter, fullyQualifiedTestFilter)
        // will include only tests from package, class and concrete test
        // will exclude all tests from package, class and concrete test
instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            def packageTestFilter = "testPackage"
            def classTestFilter = "testPackage.testClass"
            def fullyQualifiedTestFilter = "testPackage.testClass.testMetod"
            def prefixes = [packageTestFilter, classTestFilter, fullyQualifiedTestFilter] as Set
            // will include only tests from package, class and concrete test
            // will exclude all tests from package, class and concrete test

Filter tests by statuses from previous run on the same commit#

import com.avito.instrumentation.configuration.InstrumentationFilter.FromRunHistory.RunStatus

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        val statuses = setOf(RunStatus.Success)        
        // will run only Success previously Succeed tests
        // will run all tests except previously Succeed
import com.avito.instrumentation.configuration.InstrumentationFilter.FromRunHistory.RunStatus

instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            def statuses = [RunStatus.Success] as Set   
            // will run only Success previously Succeed tests
            // will run all tests except previously Succeed

Filter tests by statuses from report by id#

import com.avito.instrumentation.configuration.InstrumentationFilter.FromRunHistory.RunStatus

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        // report-viewer report id
        val reportId = "id"
        val statuses = setOf(RunStatus.Failed)
        { reportStatuses ->
            // will run only Failed tests from report 
            // will run all tests except Failed tests from report
import com.avito.instrumentation.configuration.InstrumentationFilter.FromRunHistory.RunStatus

instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            // report-viewer report id
            def reportId = "id"
            def statuses = [RunStatus.Failed] as Set  
   { reportStatuses ->
                // will run only Failed tests from report 
                // will run all tests except Failed tests from report

Apply a filter without changing build.gradle.kts or build.gradle#

  1. Add custom Gradle property for filter name to file
  1. Use the property to configure plugin
import com.avito.kotlin.dsl.getOptionalStringProperty

// read property
val filterName: String? by project
// or
val filterName = project.getOptionalStringProperty("filterName", "default")

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    configurationsContainer.register("local") {
        filter = filterName
        // else...   
import static com.avito.kotlin.dsl.ProjectExtensionsKt.getOptionalStringProperty

// read property
def filterName = project.hasProperty("filterName") ? project["filterName"] : "default"
// or
def filterName = getOptionalStringProperty(project, "filterName", "default")

instrumentation {
    configurations {
        local {
            filter = filterName
  1. Add property to CLI command if you want to override filterName
./gradlew instrumentationLocal -PfilterName=<any name of defined filter>

Customize a filter without changing build.gradle.kts or build.gradle#

You can customize everything by adding custom properties to CLI command e.g.

  1. Define filter including tests by annotation
  2. Add logic to check presence of Gradle property.
val includedAnnotation: String? by project
// or
val includedAnnotation = project.getOptionalStringProperty("includedAnnotation")
extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
    filters.register("filterName") {
        val annotation = if(includedAnnotation != null){
        } else {
        val annotations = setOf(annotation)
import static com.avito.kotlin.dsl.ProjectExtensionsKt.getOptionalStringProperty

// read property
def includedAnnotation = project.hasProperty("includedAnnotation") ? project["includedAnnotation"] : null
// or
def includedAnnotation = getOptionalStringProperty(project, "includedAnnotation")

instrumentation {
    filters {
        filterName {
            def annotation = includedAnnotation ?: "package.AnnotationClassName"
            def annotations = [annotation] as Set
  1. Run Gradle task with property includedAnnotation to override filter
./gradlew instrumentationLocal -PincludedAnnotation="package.AnotherAnnotationClassName" 

Find out how filters were applied#

If build finishes successfully It will produce files with debug information Files will be located at:
<Project root folder>/outputs/<subproject name>/instrumentation/<instrumentation task name>/filter

Find out what filter config was#

Look at file filter-config.json

Find out what filters applied#

Look at file filters-applied.json

Find out what tests were filtered#

Look at file filters-excludes.json
- You may find filtered tests grouped by filter names declared in filters-applied.json - You may find a filtered test by name

Choosing target for tests execution#

Run tests on kubernetes target from a local machine#


The text below contains Avito specific details

  1. Get access to kubernetes cloud: internal doc
  2. Request exec access to android-emulator namespace in beta cluster
  3. Setup a context on beta, android-emulator with your user access.
    More about kubernetes context: Official docs
  4. Add a configuration with target on kubernetes
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.Emulator.Emulator28

configurationsContainer.register("k8s") {                    

            targetsContainer.register("api28") {
                deviceName = "API28"

                scheduling = SchedulingConfiguration().apply {
                    quota = QuotaConfiguration().apply {
                        retryCount = 1
                        minimumSuccessCount = 1

                    reservation = TestsBasedDevicesReservationConfiguration().apply {
                        device = Emulator28
                        maximum = 1
                        minimum = 1
                        testsPerEmulator = 1
import static com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.Emulator.Emulator28

instrumentation {
    configurations {
        k8s {
            targets {
                api28 {
                    deviceName = "API28"
                    scheduling {
                        quota {
                            retryCount = 1
                            minimumSuccessCount = 1

                        testsCountBasedReservation {
                            device = Emulator28.INSTANCE
                            maximum = 1
                            minimum = 1
                            testsPerEmulator = 1
  1. Run tests with extra parameters specified.
./gradlew :samples:test-app:instrumentation<configuration name> 
    -PkubernetesContext=<your context> // for Avito probably 'beta'

We will looking for .kube/config in your $HOME

Run tests on local emulator target#

  1. Add a configuration with target on local emulator
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.LocalEmulator

extensions.getByType<GradleInstrumentationPluginConfiguration>().apply {
configurationsContainer.register("local") {
        targetsContainer.register("api28") {
            deviceName = "API28"

            scheduling = SchedulingConfiguration().apply {
                quota = QuotaConfiguration().apply {
                    retryCount = 1
                    minimumSuccessCount = 1

                reservation = TestsBasedDevicesReservationConfiguration().apply {
                    device = LocalEmulator.device(28, "Android_SDK_built_for_x86_64")
                    maximum = 1
                    testsPerEmulator = 1
import com.avito.instrumentation.reservation.request.Device.LocalEmulator

instrumentation {
    configurations {
        local {
            targets {
                api28 {
                    deviceName = "API28"
                    scheduling {
                        quota {
                            retryCount = 1
                            minimumSuccessCount = 1

                        testsCountBasedReservation {
                            device = new LocalEmulator("28", 28, "Android_SDK_built_for_x86_64")
                            maximum = 1
                            testsPerEmulator = 1
  1. Run an emulator with 28 API
  2. Run Gradle CLI command
`./gradlew :<project gradle path>:instrumentation<configuration name>`, e.g.
`./gradlew :samples:test-app:instrumentationLocal` 

Run test on APK was built before#

Plugin builds APKs on his own by default.
If for any reason you have to build APK externally, you can pass files manually:

// optional
applicationApk = "/path/to/app.apk"
// optional
testApplicationApk = "/path/to/test-app-debug-androidTest.apk"

Run tests on Google Cloud Platform#

Work in progress

  1. Create and configure Kubernetes cluster TODO
    1. Create a node pool. Node must contain CPU that supports KVM
  2. Add configuration for your cluster to ./kube/config
  3. Providing credentials to the application TODO
    1. Run on local machine TODO
      1. Run locally gcloud auth application-default login one time will be enough
      2. Run ./gradlew <instrumentationTaskName> -PkubernetesContext=<context from ./kube/config>
    2. Run on CI
  4. Customize deployment TODO
    1. Custom POD image
    2. Customize POD cpu and ram
    3. Custom namespace