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Gradle plugins#

How to start#

Start with official documentation:

Gradle team's slack:

Working in IDE#

IntelliJ IDEA is preferred but could not work if current Android Gradle Plugin is not supported yet.

Known issues#

  • (DynamicTest.displayName) displays incorrectly in IDE: #5975
  • IDE can't run Gradle test and creates Junit Run/Debug configuration instead.
    Different IDE versions use different ways to run tests.
    Check if you can use Gradle Test Runner for tests in Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Runner.
    If not, create manually Gradle Run/Debug configuration.


Isolating business-logic for unit-tests#

You can isolate most of the logic from Gradle. Thus, it can be covered easily by unit-tests.

abstract class FeatureTask @Inject constructor(
    private val workerExecutor: WorkerExecutor
) : DefaultTask() {

    fun action() {
        val apiConfig = ... // get from the project
        workerExecutor.noIsolation().submit( { parameters ->

// This wrapper is needed only for Worker API
// It can be started in another process. Thus, it has to prepare dependencies for the real work.

abstract class FeatureWorkerAction : WorkAction<Parameters> {

    interface Parameters : WorkParameters {
        fun getIntegrationApiConfig(): Property<IntegrationApiConfig>

    override fun execute() {
        val api = IntegrationApiConfig.Impl(parameters.getIntegrationApiConfig().get())
        val action = FeatureAction(
            integrationApi = api

// This class is responsible for the real work.
// The less it knows about Gradle, the better.

class FeatureAction(
    private val integrationApi: IntegrationApi
) {
    fun execute() {
        // Do the real work here

// Now you can use simple mocks to test the action.
fun test() {
    val integrationApi = mock<IntegrationApi>()

    val action = FeatureAction(integrationApi) < --No Gradle abstractions here


Integration tests#

Apply a convention plugin:

plugins {

Place tests in src/gradleTest/kotlin

For simple cases, you can create a dummy instance of Project by ProjectBuilder

val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()

val task = project.tasks.register<TestTask>("testTask") {}


When you need to run a real build, use Gradle Test Kit.
See ready utilities in :test-project module.



In GradleTestKit.kt fun gradlew() set withDebug(true) to be able to debug Gradle plugins.

Disabled by default, because it breaks tests even without debugging when Android Gradle plugin is applied.

See Gradle issue tracker about reasons.

Run tests via CLI#

./gradlew test - runs unit tests ./gradlew gradleTest - runs Gradle integration tests

Add --continue if you don't need default fail fast on first failure

To run a single test, package or class add --tests package.class.method, but keep in mind that it works only for a single project

Best practices#

Feature toggles#

The plugin may break and blocks the work of other developers. Making the plugin unpluggable gives you time for a fix.

open class MyPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
    private val Project.pluginIsEnabled: Boolean
        get() = providers
            .map { it.toBoolean() }

    override fun apply(project: Project) {
        if (!project.pluginIsEnabled) {
            project.logger.lifecycle("My plugin is disabled")


Properties naming#

Use prefix for any project specific properties to avoid collisions.